Revision Week.

As you all know this week is the ninth week of term three, wow time flies very fast, anyway this week is the revision week as next week is the pod 10’s End of Term assessment, and I’m actually excited for it, just because I want to get the assessments done and over with for this term. The things I really need to brush up on are my maths and physics, but mostly maths as I am not very good in, particularly the algebra part. Our assessments will be from Monday to Friday of next week, which is week 10, so hopefully I am ready by then.


Gardening Update

So it has roughly been 2 months since I planted my seeds that were given to us and about a month since I transplanted them into the ground, and so far they have been doing well, I do regret that a few of them have died, the eggplants and cabbage, especially the Beans, Which I (Beans) transplanted from the pot to the ground which I later found out from Kelly at school that you aren’t necessarily supposed to do. But all in all I am somewhat happy that my coriander and okra have grown and event though the wait was a little bit longer than expected it was still worth it

Maths, English and S/Science.

For week 3-4 we were given 2 mathematics worksheets to complete, both were revisions on stuff that we had learnt last year, like the Pythagorean theorem and Algebra, I have managed to finish both of them on time, as for week 4-5 we have been given another worksheet to hand in next week Tuesday.

For English we were given an essay to write with the title given as ‘The Parade’ which should be 1,500 words and have a ‘Sting in the tail’ story type, the essay is due this week Thursday and I am hoping to finish it in time.

For Social Science we have 3 tasks to do which are all based around Nelson Mandela. The 3 tasks are 1. Write an essay about whether or not he used some ethical theories in his life 2. We are to watch the movie ‘Invictus’ and illustrate what we learnt from it in the art. and finally 3. WE are to analyze his favorite poem ‘Invictus’ written by William Ernest Henley. This 3 tasks are due next week Thursday. I hope I can finish these tasks by then.

Ke3p_1t_M3ll0 😉

Last week of term 2 and Exams!

So as most of you may know this week is the last week of term 2, and so far for me this has been a productive term I managed to hand in all my essays and finish all the online Khan Academy assignments and videos that we had to do.

This week is also exam week, we pod 10’s have two papers to do on Friday which is Mathematics and Physics, in physics however there will be a section for social science and chemistry, I personally think I might do well in the physics paper but I might struggle in the mathematics paper, anyways I wish all of you who will be doing exams good luck!

K3EP_1T_M3LL0 😉


I have just realized I have not been posting updates on my garden. I got my seeds five weeks ago but I only started planting them one and a half weeks ago, I planted french beans, long beans, okra, coriander, spring onion, and eggplant. I planted them in a rows of four, and within 5 days they have grown well.

and after an additional week they now look like this;

I have decided that after they have outgrown the rows that I have placed them in I will then transplant them to the ground.



So I’ve managed to get some work done, and as it turns out the online classes is not as bad as it seems, the only thing that I find a problem with is when I need a face to face explanation with things that I do not understand. I have managed to hand in 2 out of 3 of my essays and I’ve managed to finish my social science project. The only thing that needs completing are my technology projects (some from last year), but I will try to manage my time wisely and try not to procrastinate.

Its been Awhilee.

Its been awhile since I last blogged, finally got on to doing it, hoping i can keep it up, recently we’ve been given a technology project about gardening, we have been given seeds to plant and nurture successfully. I have received 13 seed for my project, these seeds are; Carrots, Chinese Cabbage, Coriander, Cucumber, Eggplant, English Cabbage, French Bean, Lettuce, Okra, Pepper, Spring Onion, and Tomato, I will plants these and hopefully they grow well.


Nitrogen cycle

the nitrogen cycle is talking about how the nitrogen cycle goes between plants animals and the air

Nitrogen has many different forms.

Why nitrogen is important

Plants and animals could not live without nitrogen. It is an important part of their life . It is also an important part of many cells and processes such as amino acids,

proteins, and even our DNA. It is also needed to make chlorophyll in plants, which plants use in photosynthesis to make their food and energy.